Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hhhhhmmm. So this blogging thing was recommended by Miss Leah (aka Glamazon) as she believes it offers an adequate distraction to boredom; I guess I will find out. What she doesn't realize is that I lead a pretty uneventful life whereas she has all the excitement of a boyfriend and a puppy! ;)-

I guess first on my mind this afternoon is ice skating! Why don't I do it more? there is a park with a rink 3 blocks from my house, and I do live in MN, so there is plenty of opportunity to do so, especially since there are freezing temperatures approximately 6 months out of the year. So now i guess I need to move forward and actually purchase skates. And the dilemma with that is whether or not to purchase hockey skates or figure skates. I've spent my life in figure skates, but they honestly bother me so I've been considering hockey skates. They can't be that different!

So if anyone is interested in taking up ice skating with me for the remainder of winter, let me know. Hey might as well do something other than gain weight while winter is upon us! :) Or if you know of a place to get decent used skates, that would be useful information also.

Ok well until I feel the need to post something actually interesting, I guess I am out of thoughts for today regarding this blogging thing.

Oh except for one. This could be dangerous though, b/c if something really upset me and I felt the need to discuss with the world wide web, it may come back to haunt me. Once it's out there, it's out there!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you need to go to Play It Again Sports. I can take you if you need to and I would suggest hockey skates too. Although I don't know what kind of selection PIAS will have this late into the season.

    Also, on another note, if you wish to start skating, now is the time to do it because the Parks & Rec board are not going to be making the outdoor ice arenas in upcoming years. Which sucks! And if you REALLY want to skate, Bryant Park has a warming room with tons of skates that people can use, just wear thick socks and wash after skating.
